Few weeks back, I went hiking with my friends. Is a long long walk. Some knowledge of Macritchie Treetop Walk. The TreeTop Walk (TTW) is the highlight of several long hiking routes in MacRitchie that brings you through the different stages of a mature secondary forest. The first of its kind in Singapore and in the region, this free-standing suspension bridge connects the two highest...
The worst decision that i ever met. I shouldn't even think of signing a gym membership, it doesn't even help me at all instead, it gave me more unpleasant experience over at California Fitness. I should had done some research before i sign a gym membership!! I am sure not just me, everyone know how irritating it is to actually met a sales person/consultant or...
Four decades of passion for the King of Fruit. Durian Culture is the new generation of a family business legacy that has now spanned almost half a century. It all began with a durian-delivery lorry driver and a dream. Since purchasing his first lorry with hard-earned savings, Lim ChinYong and his younger brother, Lim Chin Kean, or famously revered as ‘Durian King’ by MediaCorp...
I’m KIM Korean BBQ restaurant opened at School Of The Arts (SOTA) just beside The Cathay. This restaurant occupies a couple of units at the ground floor of SOTA. I'm Kim is a Korean BBQ restaurant that caters to everyone: students or adults alike. Dining here has a 1.5 hours limit. I'm Kim Korean BBQ has a pretty substantial amount of food offerings. This includes...