(Adv) - Face of Man Review


I was invited by Face of man for a treatment! and thanks partipost too. 

About Face of Man:

Face of Man is Singapore's original MEN'S skincare centre.

Opened by Adam and Chris Chua in November 1992, these innovative twins have revolutionized the male skincare industry with one vision: to provide men with skincare solutions of the highest standards combined with excellent customer service.

Each one of us is born with a unique body chemistry and skin type. At Face of Man, they truly understand this and dedicate their business to creating formulas and distinctive treatments targeted at men.

Borne from years of research and meticulous study, every treatment offered and product used during your experience at Face of Man, has been specifically formulated to meet your needs and attain your desired results. For the contemporary man who wants to achieve immediate and visible solutions with minimal disruption to his work life flow, we offer an in depth consultation to discuss the results you wish to achieve throughout your treatment with them. Following an initial analysis of your skin, their therapists then provide a customized skin report to enable you to decide on the best course of treatment available.

They are extremely proud of their products and skincare solutions - every single one has been professionally developed, clinically tested and designed by the founders, engineers and senior therapists who are all passionate about your skin's well-being. Your satisfaction lies at the heart of what they do, and together with their academically certified aestheticians and consultants, they go to exceptional lengths to ensure your skin deserves the care it needs.


What I did for this treatment? 

First Treatment: (Targeting my dry skin)


Using acidic extracts of various botanical products, known commonly as alpha hydroxyl acid or AHA. The acidic reaction occurs on the skin surface to allow a controlled wounding into deeper layers of the skin (dermis) so that so that new and healthier skin cells will develop.
The procedure comes in various strength to suit individual skin type and for consistent yet progressive exfoliation that reduces or eliminates post acne scars and mild accidental scars. It is also ideal for even red blemished marks left by acne pustules. It is non invasive and suitable for all skin types.
Second Treatment: (Targeting my dark eyes circle)

FM Ocular

For moderate to severe dark circles and eye bags, radio frequency is highly recommended as the heat built up increases blood circulation by 5 times compared to normal eye massage. It causes the collagen and elastin to rebuild, making the surrounding skin around the eyes taut which tightens the membrane holding the bags of protective fatty tissues. This will greatly reduce the eye bags puffiness and darkening of skin underneath the eyes.

My Verdict:
I felt that the treatment was really good, I am not lying, I see the results immediately, although not a lot but I can see the results. After the treatment, I had a package with them. 

Quote "Jthejon" for 25% Off for all ala-carte treatment service. Only valid for first time customers and lucky plaza outlet.

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Till then..

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