One Pass. One Community. GuavaPass gives members access to a community of fitness studios and healthy-living experts across Asia & the Middle East.
GuavaPass gives members access to a community of fitness studios and healthy-living experts, offering unlimited classes at premium fitness studios, exclusive events with wellness experts, community classes and a range of perks from healthy living partners in the city. All classes have been hand selected by Guava team of fitness enthusiasts, who live and breathe a healthy lifestyle.
I got an opportunity to be part of GuavaPass member along with Vivian.
Started my fitness journey with a Zumba Toning class at JR Fitness.
What is Zumba Toning?
The Zumba Toning Program takes the original Zumba dance-fitness class to the next level utilizing an innovative muscle training protocol and the addition of lightweight toning sticks or dumbbells. Created to emphasize muscle work along with rhythms, this combination of cardio and dynamic restive exercises is an effective use of progressive lightweight training to improve overall performance.
The day after the Zumba Toning I can feel the ache from parts of my body. Guess time to work out more and get my fitness back to track.
Follow on, I work out myself on the alternate days in the gym. I can access to the gym that is partner with GuavaPass, Simply book the gym session via guavapass app.
Not just can zumba and gym, I can book a bounce session at Bounce Singapore. It was fun and healthy work out too.
Trampolining is often promoted as one of the best and most effective exercises you can do! NASA believes that “rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.” Trampolining is a low-impact workout that tones muscles and improves co-ordination. There are just countless health benefits of trampoline jumping and exercises.
Cardiovascular Fitness
A study carried out by NASA found that 10 minutes bouncing on a trampoline is a better cardiovascular workout than 33 minutes of running. The report said “for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the bio-mechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running.” Bouncing on a trampoline also stimulates the flow in a way that helps rid the body of toxins and waste.
Coordination & Agility
Bouncing on a trampoline increases awareness of your body and a sense of balance and coordination. You learn to control the coordination of the arms and legs while bouncing and to adjust the position of your body accordingly. Improved coordination and fine motor skills can assist in other sports that require a lot of hand-eye and general coordination. Gymnasts and acrobats also use trampolines to improve their coordination in aerial skills and tumbles.
Low-Impact Exercise
Although trampolining provides an intense workout for the muscles and bones, the mat or pad absorbs 80 per cent of the shock from the rebound. Unlike jogging or playing tennis, trampolining provides your body with an all-round workout while reducing the risk of injury to your joints, especially in your ankles and knees. This is especially beneficial for people with less mobility or people undergoing rehabilitation.
Muscle Toning
Muscle tone and suppleness is improved and your body fat percentage is reduced by trampolining. Regular use of a trampoline can also help improve posture and general muscle health. John Beer, Olympic coach to the British trampolining team, says: “Your core-stability muscles are almost constantly engaged to keep you stable and balanced, meaning a tauter, stronger stomach and lower back.” He also agrees with NASA research that using a trampoline helps improve whole-body strength.
Improved Health
Bouncing on a trampoline regularly can help increase your body’s metabolic rate and its ability to burn calories more efficiently. As a result of the increased G-force felt when exercising on a trampoline, your cells become stronger and this sort of exercise helps boost the activity of immune cells keeping the body’s natural defenses high and reducing the chance of getting sick.
Bone Strength
Trampolining can help reduce the risk of bone conditions such as brittle bone disease, fractures and osteoporosis. Placing the musculoskeletal system under repeated slight stress while you jump allows your bones to become stronger to cope with the pressure of rebound. Bone mineral condition is also improved at the same time. The trampoline pad absorbs the majority of the impact, so your bones and joints are protected while you exercise.
Stress Relief
Trampolining can help combat depression, anxiety and stress by increasing the amount of endorphins released by the brain. Regular rebounding sessions can help you relax, promote better sleeping patterns and give your more energy. Exercising on a trampoline increases the circulation of oxygen around your body, making you more alert and improving mental performance.
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Thanks Guavapass for this 1 months fitness experience. I would definitely love to continue.
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Till then..